Message #116
1) The Army Corp of Engineers have finalized a deal with Reef Innovations
to provide 100 Pallet Ball sized Reef Balls to be deployed in 5 groups of
20 in Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Deployment is expected approximately
Spring of 2000.
2) Broward County’s DNR and Nova Southeastern finalized a deal with Reef
Innovations to put 160 Pallet Balls down off Ft. Lauderdale, Florida as
part of the second phase of a study on complexity.
3) Ride Innovations has added the capability of creating Reef Ball foam
models for displays in all of the popular sizes of Reef Balls. They look
just like concrete reef balls but weigh less than 40 pounds. Foam
“corals” can also be added for a reef-like appearance. These are perfect
for public displays when mobility is required.
4) A 20 page report on the Charles Hughes Kirbo Memorial Reef Project has
been completed. The report includes press releases, Charles Hughes Kirbo
Profile, Project Plan Outline and Reef Map, and information about Reef
Balls, causes of Coral Reef Degradation, and information on the
Jacksonville Reef Research Team. Quantities are limited but an electronic
format is expected within a month which will be posted to the web. If an
advance copy is important to you, please contact Larry Beggs at
941-650-2519 or Kathy Kirbo at 770-752-0202.
5) The Reef Ball Coalition will offer a seminar for Dive Shops on how to
increase profits through ecotourisum and a seminar for Hotels on the same
subject at the DEMA show in Las Vegas.
6) Eternal Reefs signed an agreement with the Reef Ball Development Group,
Ltd. to be the exclusive provider of Reef Balls with cremated remains for
Memorial Reefs in the United States.
DEMA Booth Number 3368/3370