April 7-8, 2002 Langkowi Malaysia Working Group Pictures from Mountain Trek for Ridge to Reef Survey

Photos (C) Todd Barber, original high resolution available on request from reefball@reefball.com

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4/17/02 12:23:31 PM
1600 x 1200
At first, I did not understand why they carried their gear in there hands and had small backpacks. I thought I was smart to have a larger backpack with everything inside....after trying to squeeze through holes and under logs...I realized I had the wrong gear! Rule #1, when in rome...

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4/17/02 12:23:35 PM
1600 x 1200
I learned alot about Muslums and Islam....respectful campfire debates brought us all closer together.

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4/17/02 12:23:40 PM
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Brids and wildlife was abundant, too bad my camera skills where not that good to catch it all for you.

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4/17/02 12:23:45 PM
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We all looked forward to our breaks....in the tropical heat it is the only way to cool down as sweat does not do the job. It was also a chance to share stories and develop friendships.

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