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rbw.1 33.00 Kb 7/26/02 2:50:37 PM 479 x 400 Here is a view of the completed reef ball from the west(rbw). |
reefballbc 7.65 Kb 7/26/02 1:02:07 PM 62 x 112 |
reefballbc2 18.41 Kb 7/26/02 2:50:38 PM 294 x 535 |
scrubball 26.91 Kb 7/26/02 2:50:38 PM 594 x 387 |
seed1 65.92 Kb 7/26/02 2:50:38 PM 409 x 600 Here is another closeup of the attached corals on the top of the reef ball. |
seed2 60.68 Kb 7/26/02 2:50:38 PM 600 x 409 Here is another closeup of the attached corals on the top of the reef ball. |
seed3 48.83 Kb 7/26/02 2:50:34 PM 600 x 409 Here is a closeup of the attached corals on the top of the reef ball |
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