Last week, Reef Brief covered the
importance of biodiversity and reasons why the coral reef
should be protected and preserved. In addition to a number of
other benefits, reefs provide a rich environment that attracts
a multitude of plants and animals, creating an ecosystem that
is very high in biodiversity. Unfortunately, this productive
environment is also very fragile and in the last few years has
become increasingly susceptible to threats, such as pollution,
changes in global climate, and direct degradation-all of which
decrease the biodiversity of the reef ecosystem. To counteract
the damage facing the coral reef ecosystem, the San Pedro Tour
Guide Association (SPTGA) began the Habitat Enhancement
Project, deploying artificial reef structures, known as reef
If you've been around since
last fall, when the project began, you've probably noticed the
odd looking cement structures marked with Swiss cheese-like
holes, located on the north end of Front Street. These are
reef balls, created by filling molds with a cement mixture.
After one day, the molds are removed and sprayed down with
water so that gravel can be exposed. This gravel allows algae
and soft coral to grow more easily on the surface of the reef
ball. After completely drying for 28 days, the reef balls are
deployed in an area known as Slackchwe, located on the leeward
side of Ambergris Caye, along the northern point of Cayo
Espanto. Creating the reef balls requires two-three people to
complete and thus far, the SPTGA has successfully deployed 30
reef balls. Ultimately, the SPTGA hopes to deploy a total of
50 reef balls, placing them in areas where marine biodiversity
is low or where fish stocks have diminished. An additional
component of the project involves community awareness and
education; the SPTGA has recruited students from the primary
schools to participate in the mixing, filling, and deploying
of the reef balls. The concept behind the Habitat Enhancement
Project is not particularly new. Long ago, fisherman on
Ambergris Caye used traditional devices, known as ramas, to
attract fish populations to specific sites. Ramas were first
constructed of mangrove branches and other vegetation, and
later vehicle parts were used. In the marine environment,
where the rate of oxidation is high, these materials tend to
decay relatively quickly. An alternative material, needed to
be found and reef balls, constructed of cement and in use
around the world, seemed like the answer.
Reef balls are essentially artificial
reef structures that mimic a natural reef system, almost
immediately attracting fish and many other marine species
because of the protective habitat the structures provide. The
SPTGA hopes that the reef balls located along the Slackchwe
area will eventually provide an alternative location for guide
and recreational fishing, relieving the fishing pressure on
the natural reef. In addition, the SPTGA has already received
requests from local resorts that are interested in deploying
reef balls near their piers to attract fish and other marine
species to the area. Another aspect of these artificial reef
structures is that over time algae and coral begin to grow on
the reef ball surface, further enhancing the biodiversity of
the environment. Thus, the SPTGA plans to deploy reef balls
along portions of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve, where the reef
is either threatened or damaged.
It is direct action, such as that taken
by the SPTGA, that is making a difference in protecting our
environment. The SPTGA is always looking for volunteers-those
interested can show up at the reef ball construction site
(located on the north end of Front Street) on Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 3 p.m.
If you have a topic you would like
featured in Reef Brief, please call 2833, write