Reef balls an Australian
first Wednesday, 19 May 2004
THE Peel Region Fish Stocking and Management Association is
conducting a pilot study into the effectiveness of artificial reef
to enhance the region's marine habitat.
The project employs
an American system of hollow concrete reef balls.
Though this
system has not been used in Australia before, there are 500.000 reef
balls deployed in more tha 3500 projects internationally.
Dome shaped and full of holes they soon cover in marine
growth and allow fish to shelter from predators and
The success rate in enhancing marine life has been
The Association's first step was to raise funds
to import t he mould system from the licence holder in Florida,
This has been possible with a grant from the Peel
Development Commission and support from Port Bouvard Ltd and Cedar
Woods Properties Ltd.
The reef balls will be placed at
section of canal at Port Bouvard's Northport development, and under
a bridge across one of the canals at Cedar Woods' new Island
This will allow comparisons between both marine
and estuarine environments.
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