Eternal Reefs(tm) Inc. is a business with strong ties to the
Reef Ball Development Group Ltd. The business provides an
ecologically sound option for dispersal of cremated remains. By
integrating the ashes into the structures that create artificial
reefs, Eternal Reefs provide living memorials that are both
ecologically sound and cost effective. The idea was born when
Carleton Glen Palmer, father of one of the founding members of RBDG
and terminally ill, requested that his cremated remains be
memorialized in reef balls and made into an Eternal Reef. In May of
last year, ten Nautilus and 20 Aquarius memorial reef units were
cast and deployed to create a memorial reef. There are a few
different kinds of structures available: A Marine Sanctuary Reef
is a protected area that is aimed at rebuilding the local ecosystem
and providing a sanctuary for marine life. A Diving and Fishing Reef
is a more public area for recreation that is not protected from
marine life harvest. The reef units are donated to to state,
county and local governments to be added to ongoing reef development
programs. Options include certificates, memorial plaques,
dedications and deployments. For more information contact Eternal
Reefs, Inc., 1066 Berkeley Rd., Avondale Estates, GA 30002 or phone
(404) 966-7333. Visit the website at http://www.eternalreefs.com/.