Reef Ball Progress

March 30, 2002 1) Peter Clark of Tampa Bay Watch writes, "Here
is a great article in today's outdoors section of the St. Pete
Times minus the photos. Just click on the address listed below
and it should take you to the site. It may expire after Monday
or Tuesday. enjoy, (It's
at under news articles if it expires) 150
Reef Balls were deployed by Tampa Bay Watch last weeks to promote
oyster growth in Tampa Bay. (Picture attached is the Tampa
Bay Watch Group)
2) Sea Search of Virginia is applying for a Reef Ball Authorized
Contractor license in Virginia and will also cover parts of the
Chesapeak Bay in Maryland. They have a large boat with a crane
and have already deployed many sets of Reef Balls. Reef Ball
looks forward to good mid-Altantic representation.
3) Reef Ball Staff will be in Malaysia from April 2-14 th.
(Langkowi 5-11th, KL 11th-12th) Reef Ball headquarters will be
closed during this time. You can contact Larry Beggs at Reef
Innovations at 941-650-2519 for mold related issues or Kathy
Kirbo at the Reef Ball Foundation 770-752-0202 for other
4) Mold orders are being processes or pending for P.T. Newmount,
Indonesia, Sea Life of Malaysia, Sea Search of Virginia, Nature
Foundation of St. Maarten, University of Maryland's Natural
Resources Program, Maryland Environmental Service, Captian
Douglas Price (Philipines), and others. Get ready for a busy
Reef Ball summer!
5) From Provo in the Turks and Caicos, "First off--the University
of Georgia program was a success and we now have another 10
balls on our reefball Reef. On another note I'm working with
Martin County, Fla. One of their upcoming projects involves
putting together participant programs for a couple "river
reefs". These programs will be worked through Florida
Oceanographic Society and the Martin County Environmental
Learning Center. We are now at the stage of planning where we
should be getting the construction phase started after October
6) Aquatique's in Baharian is also applying to be a Reef Ball
Contractor. We look forward to more representation in the
Arabian Gulf area.
7) Advanced Coastal Technologies sold 600 feet of ProTecTube II
(Beach Erosion Protection) for a condominium, San Suci near
Pensacola Florida. You can find articles about this project at The
project will be done by Coastal Reef Builders, Inc., an
authorized Reef Ball contractor.
8) Alex Waters reports from Jacksonville that Mandrin High School
produced another 100 Reef Balls this year and will be deploying
them this spring/summer. They have added the Reef Ball coral
adapter plugs and pending a permit they plan to do coral rescue
and re-planting programs of imperiled corals in Jacksonville.
Alex said they will be working mostly with the species Oculina.
Alex's program is now spreading to other schools in
9) Marenter (our authorized contractor for Mexico) visited two
Reef Ball breakwater projects in the Dominican Republic and
monitoring reports they are both functioning excellently to
create and retain the beaches.
10) Staff visit to the Island School in the Bahamas went well.
The exciting, award winning, school has produced 50 or so Reef
Balls and continue production each term. They are conducting a
number of experiments from "halo" treatments on Reef Balls to
using Reef Balls as submerged breakwaters. The school upgraded
their molds during our visit to the coral adapter plugs for next
fall's term when they plant to start propogating and saving
imperiled corals.
11) The Reef Ball Foundation was awarded a grant by Manatee
County to do monitoring work on the County's artificial reefs
over the next year. 44 monitoring dives will be conducted, 11 in
each season, to do photo documentation of the fouling community
and fish counts. A final report will then be prepared and
presented to the county and made public.
12) Reef Ball made the headlines of the Sarasota Herald last
Saturday (and several newspapers around the country) as the A.P.
wire picked up the headline story broken by the Washington Post
about Eternal Reefs.
13) Reef Ball's Spanish contractor A.S.O.P made presentations to
authorities in Madrid about Advanced Coastal Technology's
products this week.
14) Reef Ball staff will be participating in a 5 day intensive
field exploration of islands near Langkowi, Malaysia during our
Malaysia trip to determine the best ways to use Reef Balls for
island wide restoration projects.
15) A separate team may travel to Orrisa, India to aid a project
using Reef Balls to protect turtle nesting sites from being
disturbed by netting activities.
16) Southern African Underwater Ecology Society is still working
to establish a Reef Ball program in South Africa and hopes to
obtain molds soon.
Sorry for the long email today....there is so much more going on
but I just wanted to give everyone the highlights before we
leave town for 15 days....updates will not be happening while we
are in Malaysia so we'll update you next in Mid-April. Have a
great weekend...Todd