Reef Ball News
Bill Huppert
Ed Klingenstein, a resident of Perry Hall, has been active in scouting
most of his life. On January 29th he received his Eagle Badge for the Cumulative
Program of his career. Under his leadership he worked with Cub Scouts who built
seven low-pro reef balls that were added to the Memorial Stadium fishing reef in
May 2004. Congratulations to Ed and his very supportive parents.
Joe Edler's scout troop from Dundalk completed fifteen low-pro reef balls in the late fall and early winter of 2004. They expect to build even more to add to the Memorial Stadium site on May 18th.
Friends School is holding a major reef-ball building program on February 12th and Gibson Island Country School will have a project during the week of April 18th. Bill Lynch, who teaches at Sollers Point Tech, has set a goal of twenty units for this spring which will be their 3rd year of participation. A number of additional schools have also begun building reef balls so this could well be the most productive year so far.
The MSSA works to help save the Bay.