To continue the cooperative effort by the Louisiana
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the Lake
Pontchartrain Basin Foundation to construct artificial reefs
in Lake Pontchartrain, 80 concrete reef balls were dropped
into the lake on January 14. The 1400-pound concrete balls
will help promote fishing opportunities in the lake.
The balls are specially designed to promote fishery habitat
formation. They are dome-shaped hollow cement structures with
large holes to allow water to flow through them.
The coordinates for the newly constructed reef are latitude
30 degrees 16 minutes 17 seconds north and longitude 90
degrees 3 minutes 45 seconds west. This places it about 5
miles south of Mandeville.
LDWF actively works to maintain and improve fishing
opportunities across the state. This experimental reef will be
monitored to determine the effectiveness of this type of reef.
For more information, contact Rick Kasprzak at 225/765-2375