Lynnhaven Dive
Club Scrapbook  <Back
Reef Balls in the
Making...September 2001

Thanks Debbie Cacace, Evans,
Adams... for the use of your
Backing up the truck. |

Getting ready to pour the
Pouring the concrete.
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Hey, who is that?
Debbie's dog "Mickey" helped
too. Since this picture was taken, Mickey
has gone up to Heaven with the Angels.
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"Reef Ball" Party & Oyster Roast August 12th,
Hammerhead Members & Reef Ball
Mold |
Lindsey & HH Members Shuckin
Oysters |


Reef Ball mold & materials before
concrete is poured |
Captain Mike, who you talkin
to? |


Our faithful HH Members, Thanks for
your support! |
Charlie Watts with our generous
volunteers pouring the stuff...we appreciate it
guys! |


Kids, please don't try this at
home! |
Pure dedication &
determination... way to go guys! |
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