Meeting Programs
June 10, 2003 Eternal Reefs and
The Reef Ball
Foundation will present a program for the Metro Atlanta Group at our
June Meeting. Join us to learn how to help restore the world's ocean
ecosystems using artificial reefs or "reef balls." A Reef Ball is a
designed artificial reef used to restore ailing coral reefs and to
create new fishing and scuba diving sites. The original reef ball
concept originated with a group of avid divers from UGA who were
troubled by the worsening condition of the seas' and oceans' natural
reef formations. Reef Balls are the only artificial reef that can be
floated and towed behind any size boat!
Eternal Reefs and the
Reef Ball Foundation have been featured in recent segments on the
Discovery Channel and National Geographic Explorer (MSNBC). The
foundation is an international environmental nonprofit group that
helps protect natural reef systems through preservation, technology,
and innovative public education opportunities. Eternal Reefs was
developed in partnership with the foundation to help individuals
leave an environmentally positive living legacy after they passed
away. Visit the Reef Ball Foundation at: http://www.reefball.org/ and Eternal Reefs at: http://www.eternalreefs.com/
July 8, 2003 Summer Pot-Luck Picnic at Candler Park
(across the street from our regular meeting place at Epworth UMC).
Bring a dish, favorite beverage, your utensils, and a blanket for a
more relaxed social meeting. We'll provide some basic drinks,
napkins, and ice. There is a nice playground for the kids to play
on. All members and non-members from throughout the Atlanta metro
area (including Cobb and Gwinnett Counties) are invited. Picnic
starts 30 minutes earlier, at 7:00 pm.
August 12, 2003 Dave Kaufman,
engineer/photographer/author and and expert on Peachtree Creek will
discuss the evolution of a watershed, the implications of
development, and restoration of waterways. He'll show us how Atlanta
stacks up against other urban areas in these areas. His photos will
be on exhibit at Fernbank Science Center during this time
September 9, 2003 Mark Alexander, Wildlands and
Wildlife Committee Chair will show his backpacking trip into the Big
Ben National Park in southern Texas.
October 14, 2003 Sharon Bagatel of the Atlanta
Bicycle Campaign will show how bicycling can be an effective and
enjoyable way to get around Atlanta. The Atlanta Group and the
Atlanta Bicycle Campaign will hold an "Effective Cycling" class to
allow Atlantans to go "car-free" or safely tour the Atlanta area
from the seat of your bike. Learn the how-to's (like negotiating
traffic), be safe, get exercise and have fun!
November 11, 2003 (tentative) A slide presentation
by Natalie Kileen.
December 9, 2003 Holiday Pot-luck Party with our
annual slide presentation. Monica and Joe Cook, from Rome, will do a
slide show on their recent Etowah River trip (and may have a book
published on their travels). This superb slide presentation will mix
their interests in the Appalachian Trail, Chattahoochee River,
wildflower and their love of photography.
Last updated: 04 Feb 03
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